Origin of the American Legion Riders
The American Legion Riders were founded in Garden City, Mich., in 1993.
Chuck "Tramp" Dare and Bill "Polka" Kaledas, commander of American Legion Post 396, shared an idea to start a motorcycle enthusiasts association within the organization.
The two longtime riders wanted an environment where Legion family members could come together to share a common love for motorcycles.
At a regular meeting, Post 396 members passed a resolution for a new program to be known as the "American Legion Riders."
Joined by 19 other founding members from their post, Dare and Kaledas were flooded with requests for information about their organization.
They agreed to establish a central source for the Riders to ensure that chapters formed not as motorcycle clubs or gangs, but as Legionnaires and Auxiliary and SAL members joining to ride as Legion family.
Chapter 331
Chapter 331 was chartered at William C. Anderson Jr. Memorial Post 331, St. Robert, Missouri on 14 July, 2008,
Ron "Slicky Boy" Peterson and Post members who shared an interest in motorcycling, met with then Post Commander Don Slater. They agreed that the Riders would be a beneficial addition to the Post, and organized members of the American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, and Sons of The american Legion into a cohesive group of members to form the Chapter.
The original Charter Membership included twenty-five members made up of all three organizations of "The American Legin Family."
The American Legion Rider's Preamble
For God and Country
We associate ourselves together for the following purposes:
To promote and support Programs of The American Legion.
To participate In Parades and other ceremonies.
To promote motorcycle safety programs.
To provide a social atmosphere for American Legion Members who share the same interest.
To uphold and defend The Constitution of the United States of America.
To maintain law and order.
To foster and perpetuate one hundred percent Americanism.