Time again for the American Legion Legacy Ride! This year's ride begins in Kimberling City, MO at American Legion Post 637 as riders ride for 3 days ending at the American Legion Post 331 in St. Robert, MO for at total of 618 miles and in two states, Missouri and Arkansas. This is the AL Riders biggest event. The purpose of the Legacy Ride is to collect donations from AL Posts all over the state for the AL Legacy Fund. This fund provides dependents of veteran's lost after 9/11 ,a scholarship towards their further education. It is an amazing program that has raised millions for veteran's children as they seek higher education. It's an important ride, it's fun and full of shenanigans and a great source of fellowship. Thank you to those who make this ride great!

"Two States for One Cause"

Men in tutus for a great cause!

Little Fred hitched a ride with Lucky to become an honorary Rider for the next 100 miles!

2023 RoadGuard

Special thanks to those who took photographs and videos: Brian Sapp, Aloha Cowgirl, Connie Paine, Bob Norris, Crystal Lee and Mark Sharadin.
Another successful and safe Legacy Ride. Lots of funds raised! Great job all!